Benchmark ratio for a Country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Tax (GDT)
Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1-1
Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1-2
Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1-2
Households' Income and Households' Total Tax Burden
Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1
Tax Inequality book: Subsections 2-1-2 and 2-1-3
Tax Inequality book: Subsection 2-4-1
Tax Inequality book: Subsection 2-4-2
Tax Inequality book: Subsections 3-5-1 and 3-5-2 gives two estimation methods for finding (P) in your country.
If T = C then household has fair income.
If T > C then household experiences tax inequality that is overloaded tax burden and, as a consequence, income inequality.
If T < C then household experiences tax inequality that is tax percentage is lower than average, as a consequence, income inequality.
If M = D then household earns average income.
If M > D then household earns more than average income.
If M < D then household earns less than average income, and household's total income should be (L * (D - M)) NaN more to reach average income level of the country.