Evaluating the Fairness of Household Income

Benchmark ratio for a Country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Tax (GDT)

CALCULATING: Tax to Income Ratio of a Country. That is GDT to GDP ratio.
Nominal GDP (or GDP at current prices) (A)

Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1-1

Gross Domestic Tax (GDT) (B)

Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1-2

GDT-to-GDP Ratio is equal to (C = B / A): NaN
GDP per capita (current prices) (D)

Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1-2

CALCULATING: Tax to Income Ratio of a Household.

Households' Income and Households' Total Tax Burden

Household's net income (F)

Tax Inequality book: Subsection 3-1

Household's tax on income (G)

Household's income is equal to (H): 0
Household's subsidy incomes from governments and nonprofit entities (J)

Tax Inequality book: Subsections 2-1-2 and 2-1-3

Household's Total income is equal to (K): 0
Number of household's member (parents, teenagers, kids, babies) (L)

Household's Income per capita (M): NaN
Tax on net income declared by households (N)

Tax Inequality book: Subsection 2-4-1

Tax on net income households (visible on sales records) (O)

Tax Inequality book: Subsection 2-4-2

Tax on net income households (Embedded in sales records) (P)

Tax Inequality book: Subsections 3-5-1 and 3-5-2 gives two estimation methods for finding (P) in your country.

Total tax refund received by household (if any) (R)

Household's Total Tax on net income burden is equal to (S): 0
Household Total tax Burden is equal to (U): 0
Household's Tax-to-Income ratio (T = U / H): NaN


If T = C then household has fair income.

If T > C then household experiences tax inequality that is overloaded tax burden and, as a consequence, income inequality.

If T < C then household experiences tax inequality that is tax percentage is lower than average, as a consequence, income inequality.


If M = D then household earns average income.

If M > D then household earns more than average income.

If M < D then household earns less than average income, and household's total income should be (L * (D - M)) NaN more to reach average income level of the country.